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ANOMALIST BOOKS.COM Publisher of many interesting UFO books. Not to be missed.
AUFORN.COM Australian UFO Research Network. This site is archived, but still has lots of great info.
Click the links at the left and it will take you directly to their website!
CHRISTOPHER MELLON.NET Christopher Mellon has spent over 20 years in the U.S. intelligence community and has a big interest in UFOs. Check out his site to see what he is currently looking into.
JAMES CLARKSON UFO.COM James Clarkson is a former police officer who has over 30 years as a UFO researcher. He has also written two books on UFOs.
UFOBC.CA Great British Columbia, Canada site that has cases from B.C. and also the Yukon. They also have a link to their FaceBook page.
UFOCUSNZ.ORG.NZ UFO Focus New Zealand was formed in 2000 and investigates and collects information on UFO sightings in New Zealand. They have several really good sightings posted from 2021.
UFODATA.NET Their goal is to take a scientific approach to investigating UFOs. They have dozens of volunteer scientists, engineers and technologists working on their project. Their goal is to build a large network of surveillance stations and sensors to monitor the sky 24/7.
UFO EVIDENCE.ORG This site bills itself as one of the largest internet sites on UFOs. Well organized, it does have mountains of information all neatly placed in various categories. Well worth the time.

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